From the States

West Bengal State ICT towards good governance, reaching the unreached

West Bengal State Banner

NIC West Bengal stands as a cornerstone in technological innovation and digital transformation, driving impactful initiatives to empower government departments and citizens alike. It serves as a catalyst for modernizing governance by providing robust IT infrastructure, innovative solutions, and technical expertise. Through its array of services and applications, NIC West Bengal facilitates seamless communication, efficient data management, and the delivery of e-Governance services across the state. From comprehensive networks like NICnet to specialized platforms such as eBhuchitra and Banglarbhumi, NIC West Bengal fosters connectivity, accessibility, and transparency in administrative processes.

Since its establishment in 1978, NIC West Bengal has played a pivotal role in advancing Information and Communication Technology for the state and district administrations e-Governance initiatives. With a comprehensive presence across Kolkata and in all 23 districts, the State Centre has played a vital role in transforming various government sectors. From the Chief Ministers Office (CMO) to Education, Finance, Industry & Commerce, Social Welfare, Land Reforms, Labour, and more, NIC West Bengal has been at the forefront of developing and implementing crucial ICT initiatives. The legacy of NIC West Bengal continues to thrive as it remains deeply committed to promoting technological innovation and enhancing administrative efficiency. Through its extensive contributions and innovative ICT solutions, NIC has significantly influenced and elevated the governance landscape of West Bengal.

ICT Initiatives in the State

Following is the snapshot of major ICT projects that are implemented in the State:

eRegistration & eNathikaran

eRegistration & eNathikaran, part of the Digital India Land Records Modernization Program (DILRMP) in West Bengal, revolutionized the Directorate of Registration & Stamp Duty’s processes. The online document registration system replaced the previous standalone Computerisation of Registration of Documents (CORD) system. Over time, the platform has evolved, integrating value-added services like NeSl, eRegistration, eNathikaran, and GRIPS interfaces.

Key enhancements include automation of the Mutation Process, incorporation of nongeo referenced Maps (Land Reforms) into the registration process, pinpointing Registration Offices via Google Maps, and integrating backlog and legacy deeds into the online system. Additionally, it introduced the linkage of EoDB Dashboard with MSME and Grievance Redressal Systems

On average, the monthly e-Services for e-Nathikaran encompass:

  • Deeds Registered: 125,136
  • Number of e-Assessments: 3,702,239

eBhuchitra and Banglarbhumi

eBhuchitra and Banglarbhumi are pivotal applications of the Land & Land Reforms Department, GoWB, operating across the entire state.

eBhuchitra manages data for 15 crores of landowners and plots, accumulating a significant 44 crores of transactional records. While Banglarbhumi operates on 9 crores of transactional records, allowing citizens to access live land records and map information.

Offering over 176 functionalities and 65 exposed web services for internal and external communication, Banglarbhumi provides essential e-services, such as digitally signed ROR (Khatian), Plot Index, and Plot Map delivery to citizens.

Through server-to-server data exchange between land offices and Registration Offices, contactless mutation has been successfully implemented. Additionally, Jomir Tathya, a trilingual mobile app developed by NIC, facilitates mServices, further enhancing accessibility and convenience for users.


SilpaSathi serves as a comprehensive solution catering to entrepreneurs, MSMEs, and artisans in West Bengal. This portal offers a single-window system where applicants receive a unique Common Application Form (CAF) ID, facilitating seamless access to a range of services. It allows document uploads, online payments, and verification of details, enabling the acquisition of Final Certificates or Licenses through the pull API from the Legacy system.

To enhance citizen engagement and communication, SilpaSathi also includes a mobile app. Some key milestones achieved include:

  • Over 2.5 Lac enterprises benefitted in the past 12 months through simplified clearance processes, including real-time, auto-renewal, and deemed approval of applications.
  • Rationalization of 800+ burdensome compliances for businesses within the last 12 months.

Lakshmir Bhandar

Lakshmir Bhandar is a flagship scheme by the State governments Department of Women & Child Development and Social Welfare. Aimed at enhancing the financial status of women, this initiative utilizes the Lakshmir Bhandar portal, developed and hosted by NIC. The portal facilitates beneficiary registration and monthly financial assistance disbursal to unemployed women aged 25 to 60. Amounts are credited directly to their Aadhaar-linked bank accounts. API-based integration with various platforms like SMS, JanmaMrityu portal, PDS, Caste Certificate, and CS Dashboard ensures efficient monitoring and MIS generation. Presently, the application caters to over 2.04 crore beneficiaries, facilitating seamless Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) of more than ₹ 18,000 crores annually.


Jaibangla serves as a unified pension portal for multiple social pension schemes in West Bengal. This ICT-based platform offers an end-to-end solution for application, approval, and monthly pension payment across seven government departments and 17 schemes. Currently, Jaibangla accommodates approximately 63 lakh approved beneficiaries.

Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana

Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana (BMSSY) is a flagship initiative by the Labour Welfare Board under the Department of Labour, GoWB. It ensures social security for unorganized sector workers without any contribution required from the beneficiary. Both the beneficiary’s and the government’s contributions are covered by the government itself.

The BMSSY web application functions as a workflow-based system to gather information on unorganized workers through SLO/Collecting Agents in rural and urban areas. It issues a unique Social Security Identification Number (SSIN) and a Samajik Mukti Card to approved beneficiaries. The application also includes modules for Death or Disability claims, Provident Fund calculations on maturity or partial withdrawal, and SLO commission.

Karmasathi Parijayee Shramik

The Karmasathi Parijayee Shramik scheme is a comprehensive initiative established to support migrant workers who departed the state during the COVID-19 period. Its primary objective is to ensure the security, safety, and assistance of these workers, including compensation in the unfortunate event of death, repatriation of deceased bodies, and facilitating cremation through their family members or nominees. This initiative operates as a workflow-based system, capturing diverse information about migrant workers either directly through a mobile application or via special drives such as ‘Duare Sarkar,’ house-to-house surveys, and ‘Bangla Sahayata Kendra’ (BSK). It aims to create a database encompassing various categories of migrant workers, enabling the provision of necessary aid and support while enhancing their overall well-being.


Kanyashree, a flagship programme of GoWB, being implemented by the department of Women and Child Development & Social Welfare, is a conditional cash transfer scheme which aims at improving the lives of millions of adolescent girls having poor socio-economic background through educational, social, financial and digital empowerment.

The project has received multiple e-Governance awards including UNPSA Award, Skoch Award, UN WSIS Award, GEM-TECH Award, National e-Governance Award.

Key Features

  • Image Processing Techniques, like Human Face Detection, OCR, QR Code used
  • Integration with Banglar Shiksha Portal, Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means (SVMCM) Scholarship Portal, Utkarsha Bangla Portal
  • Integrated with IFMS & RBI IFSC DB
  • A virtual workspace for Kanyashree Girls
  • Strong duplicacy checking mechanism to ensure zero leakage


The eAbgari project, led by the NIC within West Bengal’s State Excise sector, employs cutting-edge technology to combat the production and distribution of counterfeit intoxicants. This initiative serves multiple purposes, including safeguarding public health, tackling revenue leakages, and enhancing regulatory capabilities. It utilizes advanced ICT tools such as QR codes, Digital Signatures, AI-driven Supply Chain Management, and GPS tracking. By leveraging these tools, eAbgari portal has significantly reduced service times, offering more than 69 online services, thereby empowering the government to better regulate the sector.

Despite a yearly increase in intoxicant consumption by 5-6 percent since 2014-15, West Bengal’s Excise revenue witnessed an impressive surge from ₹ 3,581 Crores to ₹ 16,272.06 Crores in 2022-23, achieving a remarkable CAGR of over 25 percent. Over the span of four years, the West Bengal State Beverages Corporation Ltd. (WBSBCL) utilizing eBevco under eAbgari conducted business transactions amounting to over ₹ 64,000 Crores, yielding a wholesale margin exceeding ₹ 1,350 Crores.

Originally implemented in West Bengal, eAbgari project has been adopted by 11 other states, turning it into a nationwide initiative. Its success has been widely acknowledged, receiving 11 prestigious awards, including the Digital India Award and the National e-Governance Award. Particularly noteworthy is its recognition as a significant project during India’s 75th Year of Independence celebrations.


The OSCAR project, managed by the Department of Backward Classes Welfare, GoWB, in collaboration with NIC, facilitates caste certificate generation. Launched as a citizen-centric application, it’s been widely implemented statewide. During Duare Sarkar program in 2020, it processed 64.5 lakh applications and issued 26 lakh certificates in just 2 months, handling a peak of 2 lakh applications in a day.

Currently, it has issued 1.76 crore certificates, including legacy data, and received 2.31 crore applications. To enhance efficiency, it underwent reinvention, introducing services like sub-division level certificate entry, Aadhaar verification via KhadyaSathi server, Digilocker integration, and personalized user dashboards.

Banglar Shiksha

Banglar Shiksha is a comprehensive solution for School Education in West Bengal, covering 95,316 schools, 4 Lakh employees, and 1.75 Crore students. It offers streamlined tracking and monitoring of student admission, progress, incentives, and manages supply chains for school uniforms. The Banglar Shiksha Mobile App aids teachers and students in daily learning activities and evaluation. Additionally, the m-Priyadarshan Mobile App assists Inspecting Officers in school inspection, monitoring, and supervision.

JomirTothya Mobile App Fig 2.1: JomirTothya Mobile App


UDISE serves as a robust and sustainable Educational Management Information System designed to gather precise and timely data. Its primary goal is to facilitate effective planning and decision-making within the education department. The system collects comprehensive information from all formal education institutions, spanning from pre-primary to class XII.

Through UDISE+, it gathers data on school profiles, infrastructure, teacher details, enrollments (including Children With Special Needs), dropout rates, board and higher secondary exam results, Mid-Day Meal (MDM) specifics, vocational studies, and more. This online data collection initiative covers over 98,000 schools, 5.8 lakh teachers, and 48.76 lakh non-teaching staff members.

Scholarship Portal for NTSE

The School Education Department of West Bengal, in collaboration with NIC West Bengal, has introduced a Scholarship Portal, which facilitates students to apply online for National Talent Search Examination (NTSE). Through this portal, applications are reviewed, approved, and admit cards for the examinations are processed.

Mid Day Meal Information System

Under the PM POSHAN Scheme, the Mid-Day Meal program ensures daily meal counts for around 82,510 schools, catering to 80 lakh beneficiaries daily, accumulating an annual financial transaction of 2004 Crore. Real-time reporting mechanisms are enabled through dedicated apps like the Mid Day Meal Inspection and Coverage Apps. These apps empower schools to report on meal servings, kitchen hygiene, and daily meal coverage, facilitating seamless and efficient monitoring. They streamline reporting processes, ensuring accurate and timely data transmission to the central monitoring system for comprehensive oversight and management of the program.

WBBSE Portal

The WBBSE Portal, overseen by the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education, provides a dynamic interface and web applications to view board’s related activities. This portal has seamlessly integrated with DigiLocker, ensuring safe storage, sharing, and validation of academic certificates and mark sheets for Secondary and Higher Secondary examinations conducted between 2015 and 2022.

TreasuryNET Application Architecture TreasuryNET Application Architecture Fig 2.2: End-to-End Supply Chain Management for eAbgari

Banglar Uchchashiksha

Banglar Uchchashiksha offers a centralized platform for higher education in West Bengal. It provides student profiles, course details, admission analysis, faculty information, pension processing, court case monitoring, official notifications, and manages the West Bengal Freeship Scheme benefiting 22.3 lakh students, 14,060 teachers, and 508 colleges in self-financing private engineering colleges.

articleimg Fig 2.3: Student profiles based on income, institution, and social categories for Student Credit Card scheme

Student Credit Card

The Student Credit Card program facilitates a paperless, digital process from registration to loan sanction and disbursement by banks. It offers collateral-free loans up to ₹10 Lakhs at 4 percent simple annual interest to aid higher studies. Within a year, it received 1,75,593 applicants, sanctioning 60,594 applications, totaling ₹ 1,970.56 Crores in disbursements.

Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means

The scheme aims to support academically excellent students from economically disadvantaged families in West Bengal, enabling them to pursue higher education from Class XI to undergraduate and postgraduate levels, encompassing technical and professional courses at educational institutions within the state.


PBSSD, by the Paschim Banga Society for Skill Development, is a comprehensive solution featuring a Training Centre Management System (TCMS) Mobile App, Employment Portal, LOI Based Training System, RTD (Recruit, Train, Deploy) System, and Demand Aggregation System. It incorporates Face Recognition Based Attendance for daily learning activities and utilizes Tech9 and Due-Diligence Mobile Apps for inspection and supervision of Training Centers, ensuring efficient tracking and monitoring for trainees and departments.

Directorate of Technical Education & Training (Polytechnic)

This comprehensive portal provides an extensive range of services tailored for administrative requirements within the 77 government polytechnics across the state. Its offerings include Employee Management, Transfer Management, Routine Management, Inventory Management, Service Confirmation, Detention Leave, and more. Designed to cater to various administrative needs, these services collectively form a centralized platform facilitating effective management and coordination for the government polytechnics in the state.

West Bengal Health Scheme

The West Bengal Health Scheme aims to offer affordable healthcare to current and retired state government employees, along with All India service employees deputed to West Bengal. It alleviates the financial burden of medical treatments. The application facilitates communication between 9.6 lakh beneficiaries and 164 hospitals along with 26 diagnostics centers.

West Bengal Election Manpower Management System

The West Bengal Election Manpower Management System (WBEMMS) stands as a versatile and role-specific solution designed for efficient online management and deployment of election manpower. It effectively caters to the needs of single or multiple elections, covering duties for polling, counting, and sector-specific roles. This system streamlines the collection of employee data online, categorizes personnel effectively, and deploys them to designated polling destinations with precision. It also handles the management of training schedules, tracks absenteeism, generates various communication forms (such as letters, SMS, emails), integrates a secure payment gateway, and boasts robust data analytics capabilities for comprehensive insights and decision-making processes.

Commercial Tax and Profession Tax &

The State’s Commercial Tax and Profession Tax systems are comprehensive ICT-based solutions covering taxation functionalities, including West Bengal State Tax, VAT, CST, Profession Tax, and GST (backend for Model-2 State). They cater to 16.9 Lakh Professional Tax Payers, around 7.5 Lakh GST Payers, and around 2.5 Lakh State Tax and VAT (legacy) Payers. Data from GST systems are integrated for revenue monitoring, administration enhancement, and fraud detection. Notably, in 2021-22, 3,707 fraud cases were detected, realizing ₹ 238.04 crore, while in 2022-23, 33,730 cases were detected, realizing ₹ 696.89 crore in revenue (refer fig 2.4).

articleimg Fig 2.4: Commercial Tax and Profession Tax recovery of over ₹934 Crores in 2 Years


The JAAGO portal serves as a centralized repository for Women Self Help Groups (SHGs). It collects and verifies department-specific SHG data, links with the finance department for Direct Benefit Transfer, and sends SMS notifications to stakeholders regarding payment statuses.

West Bengal Tourism Portal

This web portal is designed for the Department of Tourism in West Bengal and serves as a comprehensive platform addressing all tourist inquiries and providing information in one place at a click of a button.


MARREG focuses on computerizing marriage registration processes and digitizing existing records within the government department. The initiative aims to establish an efficient system to gradually replace manual data preservation methods. The software facilitates registration of marriages under following Acts:

  • The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
  • The Special Marriage Act, 1954 (Sec 13)
  • The Special Marriage Act, 1954 (Sec 16)
  • The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
  • The Parsi Marriage & Divorce Act, 1936 Up to October 2023, it has issued 7,17,672 certificates and generated revenue amounting to ₹ 1238.28 Lakhs.

Central Projects


The GoWB established a centralized eOffice architecture in the State Data Centre, catering to 54 departments, 280 directorates / parastatals, and 22 districts. With around 32,000 daily file transactions, it serves about 50,000 users. Moreover, a Quick Response Team is assigned to handle user queries.


ICT-based solutions facilitate online counselling for admission to Medical, Dental, and AYUSH courses in West Bengal’s Government and Private colleges. These solutions address complexity, meeting NMC and court-defined schedules. In 2023-24, 40 medical and dental colleges offered 5144 MBBS & BDS seats. For PG-Medical and Dental, 87 institutions provided 1297 PG seats. Furthermore, 16 AYUSH colleges participated in UG counseling, and 4 in PG courses for the current academic year.


In West Bengal, accessible via Vahan and Sarathi, eTransport project facilitates multiple online services like duplicate registration certificate (RC) issuance, address change, ownership transfer, no objection certificate (NOC) issuance, motor vehicle (MV) tax, and nominee addition/alteration. SARATHI application handles various licenses issuance including Learner License (LL), Permanent Driving License (DL), International Driving Permit, Conductor License, and more.

As of October 2023, Vahan recorded 11,77,29,671 transactions and 1,54,43,071 registrations, while Sarathi managed 1,86,32,606 transactions, issuing 88,52,336 DLs and conducting 4,57,781 faceless LL operations. In October 2023 alone, Vahan processed 3,41,409 transactions and Sarathi conducted 5,60,013 transactions, issuing 39,572 DLs and performing 15,905 faceless LL operations. New Initiatives such as Faceless / Contactless Learner License using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other citizen-friendly services including online LL / DL are on track at all the RTOs of West Bengal using Aadhaar authentication.


eChallan, a flagship application of e-Transport MMP, is implemented for West Bengal’s Transport Department and Traffic Police. It enables various data entry methods like smart cards, QR codes, data entry, SMS, and devices like CCTV / RLVD /Speed Guns. The app calculates penalties automatically, integrates with Vahan & Sarathi, covers enforcement functionalities, and supports geo-tagging of eChallan spots.

Implemented through Android app and web portal, it facilitates on-spot eChallan generation, online payment via GRIPS, and court case settlement via integration with e-Court and Virtual Court eChallan.


e-Courts project aims to modernize the Indian Judiciary through ICT adoption. Built on open-source technology (FOSS), it follows a Core-Peripheral approach. The Case Information System (CIS) National Core 3.2 is used in District and Subordinate Courts, while CIS National Core 1.0 is deployed at Calcutta High Court (Original Side, Appellate Side), Principal Bench, Jalpaiguri Circuit Bench, and Andaman Circuit Bench. Over 50 periphery applications cater to local needs at these benches.


IVFRT program, a flagship initiative under India’s National eGovernance Programme (NeGP), focuses on managing immigration, visas, foreigner registration, and tracking movements within the country. Operational at 16 Immigration Check Posts (ICPs) in West Bengal, the Immigration Control System (ICS) oversees lookout circulars (LOC) for secure passage.

The Centralized Foreigner Registration Office (cFRO) operates across 30 sites, including Foreigners Registration Offices (FROs), Foreigners Regional Registration Offices (FRROs), and Intelligence Bureau (IB) facilities. It caters to foreigners’ needs and facilitates their stay in India by offering various essential services and assistance. This integration aims to streamline immigration processes and enhance security measures concerning foreigners in India.

Other Key Initiatives

NIC WB Mini Data Centre

NIC West Bengal established a Mini Data Centre at Nizam Palace to leverage cloud computing benefits, enhancing e-service delivery and expediting e-Governance application development. It offers services such as Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Server Vulnerability Assessment Service, Load Balancer as a Service, Public IP as a Service, Anti-virus services, and Backup services. The Mini Data Centre has also implemented the NAPIX, a centralized system fostering software inter-operability for e-Governance applications. This robust framework ensures scalability, security, and real-time monitoring with dedicated Sandbox environments.

Presently, 27 APIs are live, receiving around 7.5 million API calls. Additionally, the GitLab DevOps platform hosted at NIC WB’s Mini Data Center enables Git-based source code management, CI/CD pipelines, and integrates open-source testing and security tools for efficient software development.

articleimg Fig 2.5: NIC West Bengal State Data Centre

Network & Connectivity


NICnet, the National Informatics Centre Network, is a robust and extensive nationwide network infrastructure that interconnects government offices and institutions across India. It facilitates efficient communication, data sharing, and delivery of e-Governance services. In West Bengal, NICnet provides substantial connectivity and network coverage. The services include 21 Core Links, consisting of 18 links at 10 Gbps speed and 3 at 2.5 Gbps. These core links are strategically placed to cover major and crucial locations in the state, including Raj Bhavan, Secretariat, High Court, Assembly, CEO WB (Chief Electoral Officer West Bengal), Department of Information Technology (DIT), Commercial Tax office, and Board of Investment West Bengal (BOI WB).

Moreover, the network extends its reach to 23 districts in West Bengal, offering varying speeds of connectivity - either at 1 Gbps, 100 Mbps, or 34 Mbps - based on the specific requirements and infrastructure in each district. This comprehensive coverage ensures effective communication, data transfer, and access to e-Governance services throughout the state, enhancing administrative efficiency and service delivery


NIC West Bengal extends National Knowledge Network (NKN) services to 91 institutes, comprising 74 under NKN (National Knowledge Network) and 17 under NMEICT (National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology). The connectivity includes integration with WB-SWAN (State Wide Area Network) and WB-SDC (State Data Centre) through NKN Kolkata. Additionally, the WB-SWAN is established in districts in conjunction with NIC-NKN District Centre, ensuring widespread access and network ing capabilities across various educational and research institutions in West Bengal.

Video Conferencing

NIC West Bengal offers comprehensive video conferencing services across the state. This initiative encompasses a network of 35 Video Conferencing Studios, strategically placed to ensure accessibility and convenience.

Among these, 24 studios are located in District NICs, six are NIC studios situated in Kolkata, and an additional eight non-NIC studios are also available in Kolkata.

This setup facilitates seamless connectivity and communication, enabling efficient virtual meetings, collaborations, and interactions among various government departments, officials, and stakeholders across West Bengal.


  • A total of 82,233 email IDs created till November 2023.


NIC West Bengal has been honored with multiple prestigious awards, exemplifying its excellence in technological innovations and e-Governance.

  • Award of Excellence at 19th CSI SIG eGov Awards 2021 for Duare Sarkar
  • Digital India Award 2022 (Platinum) for Duare Sarkar project
  • Digital India Award 2020 (Silver) for e-Abgari
  • Skoch Award (Gold) 2020 for Jaago
  • Skoch Award (Silver) 2020 for eRecording and Service Delivery
  • National eGovernance Award 2018 for e-Abgari
  • Award of Recognition at CSI Nihilent 2018 for Swami Vivekananda Merit-cum-Means Scholarship Portal
  • National e-Governance Award 2017-18 (Silver) for SaboojSathi Online
  • Skoch Smart Governance (Silver) Award 2017 for eHRMS for Grant-in-aid Employees of Government of West Bengal
H. K. Dwivedi IAS
H. K. Dwivedi IAS
Chief Secretary Government of West Bengal

Way Forward

With the incessant emergence of new and advanced technologies, the dedicated teams at NIC West Bengal are in constant thrive to adapt and make the best use of them to provide state of the art, secured and sustainable e-Governance solutions. A CoE-AI Lab has been set-up at NIC State Centre, Kolkata under the umbrella of CoE AI, NIC-HQ and initiatives are taken to incorporate new technologies and application of Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning, BlockChain, IoT and analytics in various important e-Governance projects in the State.

Contact for more details

State Informatics Officer (SIO)

NIC West Bengal State Centre
Vidyut Bhavan Ground Floor
DJ Block, Sector II, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700091


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