e-Gov Product & Services



Revolutionising Agricultural Quality Control

The journey of agricultural produce, from farms to our tables, relies heavily on quality assurances and standards. AGMARK certification, emblematic of quality, ensures adherence to defined grade standards set by the DMI. With 11 Regional offices, 27 Sub offices, 11 Regional Agmark Laboratories, and 1 Central Agmark Laboratory, AGMARK covers 232 agricultural commodities, ensuring quality across fruits, vegetables, cereals, pulses, and more. Agmark Quality Control Management System (AQCMS), a cutting-edge digital platform developed.

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CARINGS Child Adoption Resource Information and Guidance System

CARINGS is a web-based monitoring system designed to facilitate transparent and child-friendly adoption processes across the nation. It accelerates smooth adoptions, improves transparency, ensures accountability of implementing agencies, nurtures stakeholder networks, and maintains a national database for informed policymaking and research. The latest version, 3.2 of CARINGS.

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An ecosystem where each seed tells its own story

Seeds are the fundamental units of agriculture, serving as the starting point for plant growth and crop production. The quality of seeds significantly influences agricultural productivity, making their careful selection and management crucial for ensuring robust and sustainable farming practices. Governments play a crucial role in ensuring the availability of quality seeds to farmers by implementing seed regulations, promoting research and development, and facilitating seed certification programs.

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Unified Data Hub

Unified Data Hub

Empowering Proactive Governance through Integrated Solutions

The Government of Puducherry Union Territory is committed to providing various welfare schemes offered by both the Central and UT Governments to its citizens. Ensuring that these benefits reach the rightful recipients without any misappropriation or losses is a key priority. To achieve complete and effective coverage, the government aims to identify and address any gaps in the implementation of these.

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