
SPARK Kerala

I n the heart of Kerala's administrative overhaul lies the Service and Payroll Administrative Repository (SPARK), a dynamic system that modernizes personnel, payroll, and accounts management for government employees. Designed for transparency, efficiency, and uniformity, SPARK introduces Permanent Employee Numbers (PENs) to streamline access to employee data and bolster rule adherence. Taking this innovation a step further, the SPARK OnMobile app was launched. This mobile app offers a suite of user-friendly features, ensuring hassle-free administrative access. Its key features include:

  • Employees can effortlessly access their salary details, fostering transparency and financial planning.
  • Streamlined leave applications and status tracking empower employees to manage their time off effectively
  • Seeking permissions for external duties is now straightforward, promoting swift approvals.
  • Simplifies applying for compensatory time off, aiding work-life balance

SPARK OnMobile aims to boost employee engagement, by giving employees direct control over administrative tasks and reducing bureaucratic hurdles. This not only increases employee satisfaction but also enhances overall efficiency.

Spark Kerala Bannner

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