Page 4 - Informatics, October 2021
P. 4

From the States

          Rajasthan State

          Bringing the Government closer to citizen

          NIC Rajasthan plays a vital           he princely state of Rajasthan is the largest
                                                state of the country in terms of geographi-
          role in implementing major         Tcal area, and is comprised of 33 districts, 352
                                             blocks and 46,000 villages. This is also the border
          e-Governance projects in           state of India neighbouring Pakistan. The state
          the state. Playing a crucial       has a mix of rural and urban population with a
                                             literacy rate of 66%. NIC started its operations in
          role, it has been instrumental     Rajasthan in the year 1988. To provide services to
                                             various important government entities, NIC es-
          in creating innovative             tablished its offices in State Secretariat and in ev-
                                             ery District Collectorates. It has also established
          ICT solutions which have           its project offices with many departments and in-
                                             stitutions at Jaipur. NIC has established its com-  The state of Rajasthan has taken major
          not only eased the life of         munication network at secretariat and districts.   strides  towards  implementing  e-  Gover-
          common citizen but have also       All 33 district Collectorates have been connected   nance systems.  NIC  Rajasthan  has  been
                                             with high speed network. In addition more than   key technology partner of Rajasthan Gov-
          improved efficiency within         100 institutions have been extended network   ernment in development and implemen-
                                             connectivity from NIC. A regional Centre of Excel-  tation of many innovative and successful
          the government. In addition        lence for Application Security (RCOEAS) has also   systems.  The  integrated  Financial  Man-
                                             been established  at Jaipur, which is catering to   agement  System  (IFMS),  Pregnancy  &
          to core infrastructure for         ensure application security for applications de-  Child Tracking System (PCTS), Asha Soft,
                                             veloped by NIC teams in seven states.  PDS  computerisation,  Pehchan,  Works
          networks, VC and mini cloud,                                             Management,  Integrated  Shala  Darpan,
          NIC Rajasthan has established      ICT Initiatives in the State          Apna  Khata,  e  Panjiyan,  Social  Securi-
                                                                                   ty  Pension  System  and  many  IT  based
                                             Integrated Financial Management       DBT schemes are among very successful
          comprehensive solutions like       System (IFMS)  projects. NIC Rajasthan’s team is very en-
          IFMS, PCTS, Shaladarpan, PDS         Financial Management of the state is taken   thusiastic and always ready to take new
                                             care of by Integrated Financial Management Sys-  challenges.  I  am  happy  to  note  that  In-
          etc., and their integration with   tem (IFMS), developed by NIC. IFMS is a complete   formatics October 2021 issue is specially
                                             suite of numerous applications related to finance,   showcasing  the  e  governance  initiatives
          different applications has made    covering budget, payments, expenditure, receipt,   by  NIC  in  Rajasthan.  I  congratulate  and
                                             works management and accounting. The system   wish success to the entire team and look
          it possible for the government     now provides for presentation of paperless bud-  forward to many more e-governance ini-
                                                                                   tiatives by NIC.
          to function seamlessly and         get in the Assembly, which saves almost 50 Lakh
                                             papers every year. Online Budget estimation and
          provide continued services.        preparation has saved huge efforts and time   AKHIL ARORA, IAS
                                             which is distributed online to all DDOs. DBT for
                                             social security pensioners has saved Rs.300 Crore   Principal Secretary, Finance & Medical
                                             every year. The state government presents its ac-  Government of Rajasthan
                                             counts to the AG, digitally, including all vouchers.
                                             This saves 2.5 crore papers every year and the ef-
                                             forts and money in preparation of copies. Integra-  merous applications of other departments. The
                                             tion with e Kuber of RBI saves more than Rs. 100   eGRAS system used for government receipts has
                                             Crore to the government. Aadhaar enabled Social   been integrated with 42 banks. IFMS provides real
                                             Security pension system has stopped duplicate   time  data  of  all  receipts  and  expenditure  to  all
                                             payments. The Social Security Pension and Sal-  stake holders. It is supported by mobile apps for
                         Tarun Toshniwal     ary system of all employees is completely auto
                         Dy. Director General   processed without any manual intervention. This   various functions.
                         & SIO                                                   Apna Khata
                 has substantially saved the efforts involved in   Apna Khata is implemented as part of DILRMP
                                             salary and pension processing and has improved
                                             service delivery. All A & F sanctions for works are   for Land records computerization across the state
                                             prepared and issued online with a capping of   in all tehsils and all villages. Digitally signed Re-
                                             available budget. Since Budget control has been   cord of Rights can be obtained from Apna Khata
                                             implemented for treasuries, the possibility of ex-  portal by making online fee payment. This has
                         Amit Agarwal        cess payment has been eliminated. Civil Pension   eased the process of obtaining RoR which are also
                         Sr. Technical Director  for all the employees is also automated. Various   given with the khasra map. The citizen is also pro-
                 modules of IFMS have been integrated with nu-  vided with the facility to submit online applica-

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