STEMS app is a groundbreaking initiative under the Government of Meghalaya's ambitious "Vi sion 2030," aimed at transforming the state's transport landscape. This innovative platform is de signed to provide a reliable, efficient, and climate-re silient commuting solution for citizens, businesses, and industries. By addressing mobility challenges in critical sectors like tourism, agriculture, and passenger transport, the app supports the government's growth strategies while enhancing accessibility.
Launched by the Sustainable Transport and Effi cient Mobility Society (STEMS) in 2022, the app intro duces a comprehensive city-wide shared commute system that prioritizes comfort and affordability for school and office commuters.
Key features of the STEMS app include real-time tracking, allowing users to monitor bus and shared vehicle locations, thus facilitating smarter travel planning. The seat-booking functionality ensures that commuters have guaranteed spots during peak hours, minimizing wait times and overcrowding. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, the STEMS app not only improves daily commutes but also pro motes sustainable urban development. This initia tive reflects Meghalaya's commitment to innovation and efficient mobility, paving the way for a greener, more connected future.