From the States & UT's

Haryana State

Haryana :Spearheading the e-Governance Initiatives

Haryana State is one of the most progressive states of the Indian union with total geographical area (44212 Sq. Km) of only 1.4% of the country geographical area. A leading food grain producer, it is also one of the states with very high per capita income. The Software & IT/ITES/BPO services exports from the State have increased to Rs. 17,000 Crores in year 2008-09. More than 70 project proposals for establishing Cyber/IT…

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Bhopal State

Madhya Pradesh: Reaching the un-Reached through…

Madhya Pradesh, the second largest State of India having 50 districts & 313 Blocks, is home to a rich cultural heritage and has practically everything; innumerable monuments, large plateau, spectacular mountain ranges, meandering rivers and miles and miles of dense forests offering a unique and exciting panorama of wildlife in sylvan surroundings. ICT has a vital & challenging role to play in streamlining the Governance in…

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Odisha State

Orissa: Bringing Transparency in Governance

Orissa, a land of quintessential charm, with its natural bounties, gracefully blends the old world splendour with the modern day developments. While nature abounds in all its glory with unspoilt and alluring beaches, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, hills, forests, wildlife and a tribal culture, which is still vibrant with its unique lifestyle.

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Meghalaya State

Meghalaya - Using ICT to Metamorphose Governance

Meghalaya - Blessed with abundant rainfall, sunshine, virgin forests, high plateaus, tumbling waterfalls, crystal clear rivers, meandering streams - the state, carved from the erstwhile state of Assam - bounds it on the North and East while the South and West is covered by Bangladesh.

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Gandhinagar State

Gujarat- Showcasing Irresistible I.T…

Gujarat, the westernmost state of country is one of the oldest business points in the world map. It is an abode to some of the largest businesses in the India. A bulk of Gujarat economy is generated from its agricultural and natural resources which includes cotton, sugar, peanuts, groundnuts, various milk products and petrol. The state has produced some of the finest management individuals from IIM, Ahmadabad & designers from…

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Chennai State

Tamilnadu- The Emerging Centre of e-Governance In…

The NIC State Unit of Tamilnadu is not only fostering impeccable ICT activities within the state but also has contributed substantially to growth in the Indian as well as the global ICT industry. With a large pool of highly skilled manpower and a solid backbone of old/new economy Infrastructure, Tamil Nadu enjoys the reputation of being one of the best administered and most investor friendly states in India. It has been judged as…

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Raipur State


Thirty-six Forts once existed in the region are the basis of the name Chhattisgarh signifying it as The land of thirty six forts. It is also nick-named the rice bowl of India due to abundance and variety of rice produced here. The state is also blessed with wide range of natural resources like dense forests, coal, diamond, bauxite, iron, rivers etc. It has many beautiful places to offer to tourists, sacred places to pilgrims and…

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Assam State

Assam -Weaving ICT Dreams into Reality

Assam - popularly called the land of red river and blue hills, famous for its tea and one-horned rhinoceros, dominated by the mighty river Brahmaputra, is the gateway to the northeastern India. The state has a large number of tribes each unique in it's tradition, culture, dresses and exotic way of life. The people of Assam have traditionally been craftsmen. Artists, sculptors, masons, weavers, spinners, potters, goldsmiths,…

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Hyderabad State

Andhra Pradesh: A Right Place for Technology…

Andhra Pradesh also known as the Rice Bowl of India is the fourth largest state in India. The state is not only famous for its rich culture and heritage but also a favourite place for tourists worldwide for its spellbound beaches. Of late the state has received lots of accolades in the global platform for its endeavors in bringing government closer to its citizen through contemporary technologies. The following write up provides a…

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