E-Gov Products & Services

Goa State

Goa Excise Management System (GEMS)

GEMS is Government to Business (G2B) initiative of Department of Excise, Government of Goa, aimed at achieving good governance and paperless office using ICT tools. The project was entrusted with NIC in October 2013, to develop a complete web based workflow application providing end-to-end solution to the business community, facilitating the dealers through anywhere, anytime and round the clock services.

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New Delhi State

KhoyaPaya: Citizen Centric Portal Missing and…

Children are the most vulnerable section of our society and are observed as the easy and soft target of criminals and perverts. The worst among the atrocities encountered by children are trafficking, kidnapping and sexual abuse. Despite the law enforcement agencies does their best to safeguard the children from such inhuman acts; the sad reality is that a large number of kids go missing every year. KhoyaPaya is an online portal by…

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Andhra Pradesh State

Unified Birth and Death Registration System in…

ITE&C Department, Govt. Andhra Pradesh has initiated Civil Registration System-Unified Births & Deaths Registration, a Flagship project, for computerization of Civil Registrations for RLBs (Rural Local Bodies) and ULBs (Urban Local Bodies) in consultation with Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration (CDMA) and Commissioner, Panchayati Raj and Rural Employment (CPR&RE).

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New Delhi State

eVisitor: IT Solution for Visit Management

eVisitor, a web based application system developed by NIC is a citizen service to facilitate submission of online requests for visiting Officers of Ministries/Departments located at various Bhavans. Home Page of the Ministry website, directs the visitor to eVisitor site ie., http://MyVisit. gov.in. The registration page of the site has the prescribed format in which the visit details submitted are communicated back to the visitor…

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New Delhi State

Jeevan Pramaan Update

Jeevan Pramaan Portal (www.jeevanpramaan.gov. in) was launched by Honourable Prime Minister on November 10, 2014. Jeevan Pramaan initiative provides facility to pensioners to submit Aadhaar based Digital Life Certificates (DLC) which are maintained in a central digital repository at NIC.

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Odisha State

e-Nijukti: Online System for Managing Job…

Employment & Technical Education and Training Department (ETET) was initiated by Government of Odisha with National Informatics Centre (NIC) serving as the knowledge partner to increase job opportunities and skill development in the state with the use of ICT. The online application (www. empmissionodisha.gov.in) plays a pivotal role for instituting effective e-governance and essentially bridges the gap between government and…

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Tamil Nadu State

Pre-Examinations Monitoring System for Anna…

Anna University, a unitary type of University, offers higher education in Engineering, Technology and Allied Sciences relevant to the current and projected needs of the society in Tamil Nadu. There are about 580 affiliated engineering colleges and these colleges offer various engineering degrees (ug , pg and phd) courses to about 6 lakh students. Apart from regular UG and PG programmes, the university offers MCA, MBA, M.Sc.…

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Bihar State

Rollout of e-Panchayat MMP in Bihar

To make Panchayats accountable, transparent, inclusive and empowered, e-Panchayat Mission Mode Project under National e-Governance Plan is being rolled out at all the three tiers of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs), viz. 38 District Panchayats, 531 Block Panchayats and 8398 Gram Panchayats by Panchayati Raj Department, Govt. of Bihar with technical support from State and District Centres of NIC. This project is being implemented…

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Manipur State

e-Registration by Job Seekers in Manipur

The Employment Service, Manipur came into existence in 1957 and has been working closely with its Directorate of Employment as the controlling body for administration, establishment and financial supervision, under which there are nine District Employment Exchanges, Town Employment Exchanges and four other units. The project e-Registration seeks to address the common challenges faced by the job seekers while getting registered at…

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Tamil Nadu State

e-Gov Mobility Platform Services

Mobility Platform Services (MPS) is an open, comprehensive and advanced mobile application platform for smart phones and tablets, helping Government organizations of all sizes to efficiently customize the requirements, emulate and deploy on multiple platforms.

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Himachal Pradesh State

Aadhaar based Electronic Ration Card Monitoring…

The Public Distribution System (PDS) is the distribution of essential commodities to a large number of people through a network of Fair Price Shops (FPS). The system operates under joint responsibility of Central (procurement, storage, transportation and bulk allocation of food grains to states) and State Governments (distribution to consumers through FPS, identification of BPL families, issuance of ration cards, supervision and…

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Delhi (NCT) State

National eGov App Store: Reusable Application…

Application stores are ideal solutions for hosting applications and components that can be re-used by other departments at the Centre and the States without investing cost and efforts in development of the same. As a precursor for realizing the importance of application stores, NIC developed the eGov AppStore Framework which was launched in May 2013.

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