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New Delhi State

GoI Search as a Service (GoI-SaS)

Government of India (GoI) Search Platform initiative has enabled the citizens and other stakeholders to quickly access the data on Government websites. Under this initiative, Search as a service (GoI-SaS) facilitates the website owners in the Government to define their own search interface on their websites/portals and it helps then in analysing the user search queries and click behaviours on Search results

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New Delhi State

Tribute to a Great Visionary: Dr. N. Seshagiri

Dr. N. Seshagiri, founder and the former Director General of National Informatics Centre, left for heavenly abode on Sunday the 26th of May 2013. Dr. Seshagiri was blessed with immense intellectual potential and high technical quotient. As the mastermind of the Nationwide Computer Network (NICNET), Dr.Seshagiri drafted various software and hardware policies that revolutionized Information Technology (IT) in the country. He was…

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New Delhi State


Enthusiasm marked the second season of the Web Ratna Awards. It was held on 10th December, 2012 at Dr. D.S Kothari Auditorium, DRDO Bhawan, Dalhousie Road, New Delhi. Hon'ble Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Shri Kapil Sibal felicitated the winners. Hon'ble Ministers of State for Communications and Information Technology Shri Milind Deora and Dr. (Smt) Kruparani Killi were the guests of honour in the event.

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New Delhi State

ICT in Public Distribution System

The primary policy objective of the Department of Food & Public Distribution (DoF&PD) is to ensure food security for the country through timely and efficient procurement and distribution of essential commodities across the country.This involves procurement of various food grains, building up and maintenance of food stocks, their storage, movement and delivery to the distributing agencies and finally distribution to the…

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New Delhi State


The entire IVFRT system envisages the information capture from Visa applicants' details till their exit from India and utilizes these sets of information for intelligence decision making at every stage. This system would facilitate information exchange between MHA, MEA and other agencies such as BoI and FRRO / FRO as role based access control.

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New Delhi State

Open Government Platform

If government could release these datasets in open format for people to use & reuse, a whole lot of new innovative apps could be built around these datasets to provide better, customized services to citizens. Online publishing of Government data in open format shall play an important role in enhancing transparency

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Tripura State

Mother & Child Tracking System

The broad objectives of the programme through the software is to reduce infant mortality rate (IMR), to improve the nutritional level of the child, to ensure completion of immunisation in children by tracking the proper growth of the individual child, and to reduce mother mortality rate (MMR) and reduce total fertility rate (TFR).

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New Delhi State

Agricultural Informatics Development: A Holistic…

Rural India, where more than 70% of the Indian population lives in, is in dire need of knowledge intensive techniques for sustainability of its shareholders, and farm and non-farm linkages through grassroots level information access (contents) and grassroots level access to information (networking). Availability of this will be the measure to achieve sustainable and more than that inclusive growth, during the twelfth plan period.

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New Delhi State


Over the past decade or so there has been an island of e-Governance initiatives by state transport authority of different States in the country. The experience with the IT initiatives, have been very good and is extremely beneficial in making transport department services accessible to the common man in his locality through various service delivery outlets. It also ensures efficiency, transparency & reliability of such…

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New Delhi State

Information and Communications Technology in…

Conduct of Elections in India is an event that involves mammoth complexity and intensive planning considering electorate size, geographical spread and terrain of India. The advent of ICT in Indian Elections has once again underlined the fact, how technology is a boon to the entire mankind.The Election commission of India is on a mission to integrate ICTs in the Indian Electoral Process within constitutional provisions and a…

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New Delhi State

Government e-Procurement System of NIC

Procurement is the complete process of acquisition of goods, works or services at the best possible total cost, in the right quality and quantity, at the right time, in the right place and from the right source for the direct benefit or use of Corporations, Individuals, or Governments. In its most basic form, procurement is nothing more than the steps that are used in the acquisition of Goods, works and Services. Whether for…

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New Delhi State

ICT in Public Distribution System

The primary policy objective of the Department of Food & Public Distribution (DoF&PD) is to ensure food security for the country through timely and efficient procurement and distribution of essential commodities across the country.This involves procurement of various food grains, building up and maintenance of food stocks, their storage, movement and delivery to the distributing agencies and finally distribution to the…

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