In Focus

New Delhi State

eOffice - A digital work place solution for…

During the period of lockdown necessitated by COVID-19, work from home became the new mantra in public as well as the private sector. Governments whether Central or State, have traditionally followed a paper-based office. While the seeds of switchover to a less paper office were sown much earlier, eOffice, a fully functional digital workplace solution, aimed at quick disposal of files and receipts efficiently and transparently.…

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New Delhi State

Virtual Private Network Services - Technology…

A virtual private network (VPN) extends a private network across a public network and enables users to send and receive data across shared or public networks as if their computing devices were directly connected to the private network. Applications running across a VPN may therefore benefit from the functionality, security, and management of the private network. In other words, it allows users to work from home like they were in…

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New Delhi State

Direct Benefit Transfer - Supporting the…

Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) plays an important role during the crisis times to provide sustenance to the highly effected population such as farmers, daily wagers, migrant labours etc. by transferring cash benefits directly to their bank accounts as well as delivering in-kind benefits such as free food grains. DBT had established itself prior to the COVID-19 crisis leveraging on the Aadhaar and banking infrastructure. The crisis…

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New Delhi State

Video Conferencing - NIC is providing…

Video Conferencing services of NIC are secure and have the largest coverage in the government sector across the country. NIC is providing Videoconferencing facility from 2100+ Videoconferencing studios over NICNET spread across the country spanning State Capitals, Union Territories and Union Ministries, Departments and Districts of states.

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Himachal Pradesh State

RT-PCR App - Mobile Application for Containment…

Covid-19 pandemic in India is part of the worldwide situation of coronavirus disease and a large number of people is likely to be affected by the coronavirus. The country has imposed initial lock-downs, supplemented by increased testing of people and contact tracing of patients as effective measures in its fight against Covid19. The United Nations and World Health Organization have praised  response of India to the pandemic…

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New Delhi State

Lifeline UDAN Portal - Ensuring steady supply of…

All domestic and international flight operations  were suspended by the union government with the implementation of lockdown on 25th March 2020 to contain the spread of Coronavirus in the country.However, the transportation of medical supplies and essentials goods needs to be ensured to even a remote part of the country. 

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New Delhi State

Aarogya Setu App

Aarogya Setu is a mobile application launched by the Government of India on 2nd April 2020, to aid the COVID-19 containment efforts of the Government. The App works based on contact tracing method and helps in identifying,monitoring and mitigating the spread of COVID-19 across the country.

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New Delhi State

National Cloud NIC - Ensuring seamless &…

Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted normal life and citizen services globally.The Indian IT landscape has not been left untouched by this global phenomenon and this has altered IT functioning. The novel coronavirus has accelerated the demand for applications and services which enable the Government, Employees and Industry to work seamlessly, remotely and efficiently under hese changed circumstances. 

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Gujarat State

Gujarat CM Dashboard - Enabling government…

The system first of its kind was an innovation in terms of accessing data from all e-Governance applications of the State of Gujarat and providing the same for monitoring against defined KPIs. In the reverse, CMO could drill down to the granular level on the fly for red-flagged items and intervene through voice call to administrative machinery down to the village level. The application facilitates all of the above thus…

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New Delhi State

Bharat Maps, A Multi-layer GIS Platform

Information Technology, as a cross-cutting frontier of knowledge, has opened several new vistas of applications for daily needs of the civil society. One of them is Geographical Information System GIS technology, which is rapidly becoming a catalyst for several transformational changes in the world; mainly in natural resource management, planning, decision-making, governance and citizen engagement services. While e-Gov…

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New Delhi State

eHRMS- Human Resource Management System: Digital…

eHRMS is a step towards enhancing the efficacy and transparency of government organizations by focusing on their employees. This one of a kind application in the spectrum of e-Governance projects aims to harness the capabilities of ICT to improve the way HR processes are carried out. It has been developed with the objective of digitizing the existing service books, creation of new service books for new employees and automation of…

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