Sh. Jai Ram Thakur, Hon’ble Chief Minister, Himachal Pradesh launched the eVidhan Brochure and Budget Speech webcast link on 5-February-2019 in HP Assembly, Shimla in the presence of Dr. Rajeev Bindal, Hon’ble Speaker HP Vidhan Sabha, Sh. Suresh Bhardwaj, Hon’ble Education Minister and Smt. Sarveen Chaudhary, Hon’ble Urban Development Minister .
The HP Vidhan Sabha has prepared the eVidhan Brochure to highlight the main features and effectiveness of the eVidhan solution. Representatives from a number of States and some countries have visited HP Assembly to study the eVidhan system. This brochure will be useful during these visits to educate the visiting dignitaries.
The Hon’ble Chief Minister also launched a Public Web Link Page which will live webcast the Budget speech of Hon’ble Chief Minister-Finance Minister, for the year 2019-2029 on 9-Feb-2019. This page is further linked by the media channels, newpapers and social media sites to extend its coverage for the citizens on the Internet.
Sh. Dharmesh Kumar, Sr. TD, NIC HP at Vidhan Sabha gave a presentation on eVidhan application and how HP Vidhan Sabha has become the first digital, paperless assembly in the country. The software solution has been developed by NIC and the live webcast has been carried out with the technical support from National Informatics Centre, New Delhi.