Shri Temjen Toy, IAS, Chief Secretary, Government of Nagaland, launched the DM Dashboard for the State on 17th July 2019, in the presence of Shri M. Patton, IAS, Nagaland Commissioner, Shri Abhijit Sinha, IAS, Home Commissioner, Dr. Kishore Kumar, Deputy Director General & Nagaland State Coordinator, NIC HQ, New Delhi, Shri Sushanta Kumar Mondal, State Informatics Officer, NIC Nagaland, Senior Government Officials, Deputy Commissioners and District Informatics Officers from respective districts, through a video conference.
The Chief Secretary, in his address, said, “Nagaland DM Dashboard covers all the 11 Districts of the State.” He stated that the world is changing very fast and launching of the online DM Dashboard tool will help the Deputy Commissioner in monitoring and analyzing the performance of various activities, projects and services in the districts. He mentioned that Deputy Commissioner, being the chairman of many committees and organizations in the district, should monitor the activities of various departments.
He also appealed to the Deputy Commissioners to make full use of the DM Dashboard, which will help them save time and give them clear picture of the happenings in the district.
The Chief Secretary also congratulated NIC Nagaland for achieving awards in the field of e-Governance through their meritorious service in recent times.
Dr. Kishore Kumar, in his opening address, stated that with the support of the State Government, NIC is able to extend connectivity to all the districts and government officials in Nagaland and implement various applications. He further said that NIC team will provide full technical support in implementing e-Governance applications in the State to strengthen Digital India.