The e-Procurement system has already been implemented at Department of Irrigation and Supplies and Disposal, Haryana. Now the Haryana Tourism department has also felt the execution of e-Procurement System. Accordingly, training was organized by e-procurement team of NIC Haryana from 09.06.2011 to 13.06.2011.This training programme was attended by 25 users from department and 15 bidders. It was conducted at New Haryana Secretariat Building, Chandigarh.
Following modules were discussed in detail:
1.Creation of New Tenders
2.Publishing Tenders
3.Submitting Bid
4.Opening Bid
5.Award of Contract
6.Signing, Encryption and Enrollment of Digital Signature Certificates.
Hands on sessions were also organized for participants for better understanding of concepts and work flow of the system. The Department valued the efforts made by NIC Haryana.