A one-day workshop was conducted for the Deputy District Election Officers, the Electoral Registration Officers and the Assistant Electoral Registration Officers of Jammu Division of J&K State on 28th December, 2016 at Panchayat Bhawan Auditorium, Jammu. The event was presided over by Sh. Shantmanu, IAS, Principal Secretary and Chief Electoral Officer J&K. More than 150 officers and officials from the state election machinery including those from 10 districts of Jammu Division participated in the workshop. NIC J&K in its role as the State Level Agency (SLA) for the J&K State Election Department actively participated in the workshop.
After the opening remarks of the Chief Electoral Officer, NIC team comprising of Sh. Saleem Khan, Scientist ‘E’ and Project Coordinator and Sh. Baiju Ubbott, Scientist ‘B’ made a 90-minute long presentation on the Electoral Rolls and EPIC Management System (JK-ERMS) which has been developed in house by NIC J&K and the databases and applications hosted at NIC Mini Data Centre at Jammu. During the presentation various modules like e-filing, scrutiny and reporting, ERO approval, rolls generation in English / Urdu / Hindi, Free name search, EPIC card generation, De-duplication, Errata generation, Transliteration “on the fly” and SMS services were demonstrated.
The presentation was followed by a Q&A session. The presentation was widely appreciated by one and all and the Chief Electoral Officer, J&K showered lavish praises on NIC.