NIC-RA was setup in Uttar Pradesh in the year 2009 with the launch of e-Procurement & e-District system in the state. Various state government departments like PWD, Electronics & IT, Irrigation etc. started using the e-Procurement system which required Digital Signatures as authentication mechanism. As the project got wider acceptance the requirement of DSC extended to central government departments like Railway, Defence, CBI, Post and Telegraph and public sector undertakings like Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd., Indian Oil Corporation etc. even the use of DSC was enhanced in areas of digitally signed mail and procurement services with DGS&D etc.
The eDistrct project, implemented in six pilot districts, provides more than 20 digitally signed services to the common man right at their door step. The project is a fully automated and workflow based. The manual signatures of the approving authorities has been replaced by digital signatures and the requirement of DSC was further extended to the district level functionaries. With the launch of state portal and eForms in 2012 the electronic service delivery has been replicated in all the 75 districts of the state. About 4500+ digital signatures have already been issued under this project to district and tehsil level government officials.
From Year 2010, the state government started using Digital Signature for conducting counseling for admissions to various engineering, management and other professional colleges of the state covered under UP Technical Education Counseling, Medical Counseling, B.Ed counseling and Polytechnic counseling. NIC-RA, UP is issuing approx 2500-3000 DSC every year to academic institutions officials involved in the counseling process.
In addition to these DSC have been issued to various state government departments such as election, rural development, health for various schemes of the state government. NIC-RA UP has covered more then 12000+ DSC applicants and empowering citizens for on line services through providing the individual and SSL certificates.