The Online Donations to CM Relief Fund Web application has been launched by Sh. Virbhadra Singh, Hon’ble Chief Minister Himachal Pradesh on 8th August 2017 at Shimla. Sh. Harsh Mahajan, Chairman, HP State Co-operative Bank Ltd., Sh. T.G. Negi, Principal Advisor to Hon'ble CM, Sh. Subhash Ahluwalia, Principal Private Secretary to Hon'ble CM, Sh Gopal Sharma, MD, HP State Co-operative Bank Ltd., Sh. IPS Sethi, Scientist-F (State Coordinator of NIC Himachal Pradesh) through VC from NIC Kangra at Dharamshala. Sh. Lalit Kapoor, ASIO and officers from the Chief Minister office, NIC HP and HP State Co-operative Bank Ltd. were also present on the occasion.
The main objective of this Web application is to help the citizens to donate online, towards the Chief Minister's Relief Fund, HP, on 24x7 basis, without any need to send any information through postal or other means. This will facilitate the citizens and result in increased contributions to the CM Relief fund which is used for social and citizen centric causes.
In order to make online donations, a citizen needs to register himself/herself with this application. After successful Authentication and Authorization, the citizen can make donations online, towards the CM Relief Fund, any time using net banking/ credit/ debit cards. The receipts and acknowledgements of all donations made by the citizens are accessible to them, in the authorized area.
Sh. Sanjay Thakur, Scientist-D gave a brief demo of the software. This web application captures the work flow of the users posted in CM Office, HP Secretariat, Shimla and GAD-Branch, HP Secretariat, Shimla to deal with the cases related to CM Relief Fund. This web application also helps in efficient and online accounting of the funds received and disbursed, in a certain period of time, from this fund. As a result of this web application, data is available to the dealing officials centrally on 24x7 basis.
In future, this web application will facilitate the citizens, to trace their applications for relief from CM Relief Fund, HP online. Provision will also be made, to facilitate the citizens, to raise applications for demand of relief from this relief fund, online, through LokMitra Kendras (LMKs) in the State.
This Web application has been developed by the National Informatics Centre, Himachal Pradesh and hosted on NIC cloud server at