Adviser to the Administrator Sh. Manoj Parida, IAS launched “Leave Module of eHRMS” on 14th January 2021 developed by NIC for all Departments of Chandigarh Administration, at UT Secretariat in the presence of senior UT officers. This new module would enable the UT Administration employees to avail leaves online. Secretary IT, Sh. Vinod P Kavle, IAS and Director IT Ms Nazuk Kumar, IAS briefed about the features of the system.
Under the features of the new system, the employee would be able to view leave balance, apply online, cancel applied leave before & after approval and curtail or extend the leaves. The reporting as well as approving authority would also make recommendations online. The system would make the process more transparent and accessible from anywhere. Chandigarh Administration has adopted Manav Sampada, eHRMS solution developed by NIC HP State Unit, and already using Annual Property Return and APAR Modules in all its Departments, Boards and Corporations and also started with Service Book implementation. 72 departments with registered strength of 24121 employees are already availing benefit from this application.
The system would speed up the process of sanctioning of leave and make it easier for monitoring and audit purpose. It is integrated with eVigilance application for making the process of ex-India leave simpler and transparent. It would also be helpful for leave sanctioning authorities to monitor the leave of its employees.
NIC HP State Unit provided all support in customising it as per the requirements given. Department of Information Technology, Chandigarh Administration is the nodal department in its training and implementation across all the departments of Chandigarh Administration.