Shri Manohar Lal, Honorable Chief Minister of Haryana, launched a web portal ( and Android Mobile App under #Paudhagiri campaign during a state-level Paudhagiri programme (plantation drive) held in Kurukshetra district on 16th July 2019. Under this campaign, 24 lakh students from 6th to 12th standards of all government and private schools in Haryana will plant a sapling every year during three months of monsoon.
The software solution developed by NIC Haryana enables schools to enter plant saplings received from the Forest Department and allocate plants to students. It also helps in bi-annual approval of plants survival based upon geotagged photos uploaded by students through the Mobile App. Interactive drill down MIS Reports and Dashboards have also been provided for the monitoring of inventory for plantation done by students.
The application is a Maven based Single Page Application (SPA) and is developed in Open Source using Node Package Manager (NPM), Gulp, Bower, HTML5 Boilerplate, AngularJS, i18n Support, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data JPA with Hibernate, Hikari CP for Connection Pooling, Liquibase for Database updates and PostgreSQL as Database with JWT (JSON Web Token) based authentication and authorization.
The application has been developed by NIC team comprising Shri Bidyut Ranjan Gohain, Senior Technical Director, Shri M.P. Kulshreshtha, Senior Technical Director & District Informatics Officer, Hisar, Shri Akhilesh Kumar, Technical Director & Additional District Informatics Officer, Hisar, and Shri Sumit Garg, Scientist - B, under the guidance of Shri Deepak Bansal, State Informatics Officer, Haryana.