Honb’le Chief Minister, Haryana, Sh. Manohar Lal inaugurated the new integrated website of Urban Local Bodies, Haryana and online citizen services. The inauguration was done on 26.02.2015 at 11:00 AM at Haryana Niwas, Chandigarh during an interactive conference of Mayors, Sr. Deputy Mayors and Deputy Mayors along with the Commissioners of all the 9 Municipal Corporations of the State. Initiated on the directions of Hon'ble Chief Minister, the Project was envisaged as a Mission Mode Project for Urban Local Bodies for uniform implementation of various identified applications and services in all the Municipalities of the State within a very short span of time. The department entrusted the task of developing the integrated website of the department and applications for delivery of citizens services to NIC Haryana, who delivered the project in the stipulated time frame. This is the first phase in which the integrated web-site of the Urban Local Bodies along with a total of 25 Citizen Services have been developed and rolled out and can be availed by the citizens in assisted mode. Of these 25 services, 14 are Online Services that can also be availed online by the Citizens themselves. The integrated website of the Urban Local Bodies, hosted as http://ulbharyana.gov.in provides information on various schemes, library of various Acts, notifications and basic information of all the 78 Urban Local Bodies. The website also has provision for Online Citizen Centric services for which the Citizens can directly apply from this web portal. Apart from this, the Citizens can also apply in assisted mode in the Municipalities. Citizen will receive an eApplication Reference Number through SMS which can be used for online status tracking and verification of certificates & approvals. The backend applications take care of the workflow based processing of the eApplications and their delivery. In case of approval or rejection of eApplication, citizen will be informed through SMS & email. The output certificates / approvals / licenses, etc. are also generated by the backend application. These system generated outputs can be easily verified. The 25 Services developed and rolled out, fall under the following categories listed below :
- Birth Registration and Certificate Issuance
- Death Registration and Certificate Issuance
- Marriage Registration and Certificate Issuance
- Approval & Revision of Building Plans
- Occupation Certificates
- Approval & Revision of Fire Fighting Schemes
- Fresh & Renewal of Fire NOCs
- Issuance and Renewal of Business Licenses Under Sections 330
- Issuance and Renewal of Business Licenses Under Sections 331
- Issuance and Renewal of Business Licenses Under Sections 335
- Issuance and Renewal of Business Licenses Under Sections 336
- Online status checking of eApplication and
- Online verification of issued documents/licenses/certificate, etc.
NIC-Haryana Team, who contributed to the ULB Project: Sh. Ghan Shyam Bansal, DDG and SIO, Overall Guidance Sh. Deepak Bansal, Sr. Technical Director and ASIO Sh. Sundeep Moudgil, Technical Director Sh. Alok Shrivastava, Scientist-D Sh. Ashish Dhingra, Scientist-B Ms. Anshu Sethi, Developer Sh. Gurpreet Singh, Developer